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Tuesday 9 December 2014

Classic Egg and Mayo Sandwich | Basic Egg and Mayo Sandwich Roll

Creamy egg and mayo salad served in a hot dog roll is one of my favourite breakfast, lunch, evening snack, post workout snack and sum times even dinner meal.

No, I do not eat it often even though I would love to and because I do not eat it often I choose to go all the way and indulge myself without compromising on the butter and mayo.

Try getting the best quality eggs, freshly baked bread, use regular full fat mayo and not low fat or any other kind and freshly ground pepper for best results.

I prefer using 1 egg for one medium size hot dog roll and you can add more or less filling as per your choice. The only thing I suggest is trying the recipe as it is without adding more ingredients as this is supposed to be very basic, thats the beauty of this dish.

This recipe serves 1.

Start by boiling the egg on high for just 5 min, shut the flame and over the pot with a tight lid.
Allow to sit for 10 min and then rinse with cold water and peel, you will have perfectly boiled eggs with this method. 

Wash the lettuce leaves and keep aside.

Slice the egg with a knife or use an egg slicer.
I never mash eggs for sandwiches as having texture is very important for the dish to taste best.

In a bowl add 1 table spoon mayo, a pinch powdered sugar, salt to taste, dash of hot sauce and 1/2 tea spoon freshly ground pepper. Mix well and add the chopped egg, gently mix.

You may slice the hot dog roll in half and add the filling but I prefer to cut the roll in the center and remove some of the bread from inside making space so the filling can be tucked into the cavity, add some butter into the cut area and grill for 3 min.

Do not over grill the bread as you want it just a light golden and not brown.

Before adding the filling firmly press down the lettuce and top with the egg mix.

By doing this makes the filling stays in place. Before serving cut in half.
Serve your Egg and Mayo Roll with fries or chips, a bowl of soup along with this makes a wonderful lunch too.

Now your done, hope you give this simple and classic sandwich a try.