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Monday 12 August 2013

Pumpkin Curry with Coconut

Here is a mild coconut based pumpkin curry that is eaten mostly with rice, if you are not found of the mild sweetness of the pumpkin you can add in a little more of green chili to alter the taste.

Try this amazing curry as your next lunch with some butter milk on the side and you are set to go.
Here's what you need !
2 cups yellow pumpkin chopped
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 green chili + 1/2 inch ginger paste
few fenugreek seeds
1 tsp mustard seeds
4/6 curry leaf
1 tsp hing
2 whole red chili - tear them if you want the gravy to have a spicy taste
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp coriander powder
salt to taste
Start by boiling the pumpkin with turmeric, coriander powder,green chili/ginger paste,salt and 1 cup water. , I like the gravy to be a bit thick so I add less water, you can adjust it to your taste.
Keep the pan covered on medium heat and allow the pumpkin to get a little tender, check it after 5 min. Once the pumpkin is tender add in the coconut milk, boil for 5 min again.
You can cook it further if you want it mushy but I think this curry tastes best if you keep the pieces tender yet not falling apart.
Now in another pan add oil and add in the hing, mustard seeds, fenugreek, whole chili and curry leaf. Cook for a min and pour over the  curry.
Cover with a lid for 10 min. Pumpkin curry tastes best if served at room temperature.

 Now your done ! Serve with rice.

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