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Wednesday 1 August 2012

Iftaar Desserts (Mango and Rose Pudding) | Quick Eid Desserts

Lets get straight to the recipe shall we?

This recipe makes 4 medium glasses,i used wine glasses

1 mango (puree with a little water)
milk 1 1/2 cup
sugar 1/2 cup
ground arrowroot 2 tsp
custard pwd 1 tsp
cardamom 2 tsp
almond flakes to garnish
rose essence 1 tsp
  Follow my steps for this Yummy and Easy Eid Dessert Recipe
Step 1
mix 2 tsp of arrowroot with a little cold milk
then boil 1/2 cup milk with half the sugar and the rose essence
 and add the arrowroot and cold mix,it will get thick.allow to cool

Step 2
In another pan boil the remaining milk and the mango puree till warm,add cardamom and sugar
now add custard powder mixed with little milk to the mango puree mix,this will get thick too.Cool it

Step 3
Pour the arrowroot rose milk pudding in the serving glass
now gently pour the mango puree mix in the middle and garnish with flaked almonds
chill these for 2/3 hrs.Now your done.
Tip - Be gentle when you pour the mango mix in the middle as you want the 2 colours to not blend together
If your mix gets very thick dont panic,just puree it in the blender adding some cold milk.

very simple and really light,do give it a try
 For Iftaars a light and fresh dessert is always a hit,serve this and your guests will love it.
Do try this light and creamy dessert and impress every one.
Hope you try this Rose and Mango Pudding.

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