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Tuesday 10 July 2012

Tomato and Celery Soup | Under 10 min Homemade Soup

Love this healthy tomato soup recipe,no added cream or other thickening agent..
The oats (Organic) is what i use to give some body to the soup,it also makes it creamy and perfect.
If you are in Dubai visit the Organic Foods and Cafe for great Organic Oats and other Superfoods.

This recipe is a must try,my way of having this soup is with a slice of buttery bread ! so so good !

>       Sorry for the bad lighting..and i also forgot to click a pic of the final dish...
i used beef tomatoes,but any kind will do - 2 chopped roughly
celery chopped
garlic 5/6
onion 1
 please do not skip the celery,this is what gives the soup a wonderful aroma.
saute the onion garlic and celery till soft,not brown
you can also add whole pepper corns at this point
use a mix of olive oil and butter for best results

now add in the tomatoes and paprika,this gives the soup a nice colour
cook on low till for 5 /7 min ,now add  in water or veg stock along with salt and 1 heaped spoon of sugar..
pressure cook all this
you can boil it,but its important to save energy so use your pressure cooker.

see its all mushy in 5 min..that's why i love pressure cookers
now puree all this

 Its important to make tomato soup a bit sweet to cut down the tartness of the adjust
add the puree back to the pan and add in quick cook oats and boil for 5/7 min till done..
garnish with coriander and sip away....

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