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Thursday 14 June 2012

Thai Bean Sprout Fritters - Thai Style Pakore

If your bored of potato and onion pakore(fritters) then its time you try this recipe....Its really unique and so quick to make..your gona love it for sure !!
looks like onion pakore right?

serve with chili sauce

bean sprouts2 cups-washed and then dried with kitchen towel

crushed garlic3-4  and green chili-2
chickpea flour (besan) approx 1/2 cup,depends on how much you need for binding
ajinomoto 1 pinch
spring onion 2-3 tsp chopped
salt to taste

mix all the ingredients together adding very less water
make sure the bean sprouts are well coated with the besan

fry till crispy..and your done !

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