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Monday 21 May 2012

Rustick Bread which Never Fails | Rustick Homemade Bread Recipe

Oooo my god i cant believe i did it,I MADE BREAD kidding i  kissed it a few times before i cut the loaf,i was super excited...wish my mom was here to taste it.

This is the First Bread I Baked and i fell in love.I actually clicked 60 pics of the loaf.Damn i got happy !
I wish i could post all the pics,but that would be so boring for you all !

my first bread..i love you !

ohh ya woo hoo
  the recipe is really simple,any one can bake after this.
here goes
take 1/2 cup warm water + 2 tsp sugar + 1/2 tsp yeast-dissolve and allow to rest
let it get a bit frothy...takes 15 min..

in another bowl,take 2 cups self rising flour and i added garlic salt
you may leave it plain..if not adding any seasoning add salt..i skipped the salt

now mix in the flour mix with the yeast and gentle..
allow to rest 1 hour,then knead again and rest another 1 hour,spread with olive oil..

use a loaf pan,i dont have a loaf pan(i know its crazy) so i just placed it on a baking tray
bake at 180o for 25 min
then ta daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa your done !

rustic looking right?

slice and enjoy with butter or cheese !!!!

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