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Monday 17 October 2011

Kidney Bean Salad (Rajma Salad)

This is a simple yet very filling Kidney Bean Salad,more toppings can be added to your taste but i kept it low key and dint go all the way.

This salad can also be made into a Complete Meal by adding more veggies and then topping it with mayo,lettuce,mushrooms or chicken.Adding these toppings can fill you up and your meal is done.
The choice is yours just be creative and toss up something yum.
Check out the Simple and Easy Version.

it tasted really fresh and tangy

you need
rajma boiled with salt and turmeric
garlic 1 tsp
ginger 1 tsp
lemon juice
corriander leaves
tomato half chooped
onions half choped
chaat masala (optional)
in a pan saute garlic,ginger with the rajma adding a bit of oil,
remove from flame then mix in the other ingredients and add lots of lemon juice in the end ,now your done !!
Always make this salad fresh

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