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Monday 15 August 2011

Stuffed Bell Peppers using Chickpea | Chickpea Stuffed Bell Pepper

The famous stuffed bell peppers is the most predictable dish ever,we always know the stuffing is going to be potatoes or paneer(cottage cheese) and if your daring even meat goes in,but not too often.

I tried this new recipe last time and i loved it...big surprise for Hubby too,he was wondering what the stuffing is...

Read to find out this unusual Stuffed Bell Pepper Dish
Can be eaten as a snack or as maincourse

takes no time to prepare

all you need is bell peppers any colour
small onion
lots of garlic
corriander leaves
green chili

now for the surprise stuffing~
chick peas
spices for tempering- kalonji(onion seeds)
paanch phoran
chaat masala

mash the chickpeas with the yogurt
i always cut bell peppers for stuffing  from the side
will tell you why below~keep reading

temper all the spices and brown them a bit

add it to the chickpeas mix

stuff it inside the bell peppers...

microwave for 10 min...
drizzle oil on top

after you microwave the peppers,in a pan add in oil
and cook the peppers another 15 min..
it will brown~thats why i cut them from the sides,so it browns evenly !
You can also grill it under a broiler for 10 min.

and you have your stuffed bell pepper ready..
Can be eaten with roti or served on rice...
i eat mine with chutney and ketchup !
 Sent to Jagrutidhanecha - I'm Well Stuffed event

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