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Sunday 31 July 2011

Sweet and Sour Fish (Indo Chinese Fish) | Chinese Sweet and Sour Fish

Sweet and Sour Fish is lip smacking and one of my personal favourite Chinese dish.

Its the easiest recipe to any Chinese sweet and sour dish so try this out.

PLZ MAKE SURE NOT TO USE AJINO MOTO ~ its not worth it !
Check out this really easy recipe ..

all you need is steamed rice for this !

roughly cut onions and capsicum..
use very little capsicum~dont ask why..its what i do !
but in the end the choice is yours

we also need garlic,green chili and carrots

for sauces~ tomato sauce
soy sauce
chili garlic sauce
shezwan sauce
and seasme seeds

wash the fish with salt~
use only boneless fish

Watch my Youtube Cooking Video by clicking the link

Video for Sweet and Sour Fish

before serving garnish with spring onions

So Chinese Sweet and Sour Fish is Ready !